The proposed ‘Project Renewable Future’ on the west coast is a wind based (3GW) renewable hydrogen project that takes this regional opportunity to a whole new level. Unlike existing wind farm projects in our State, the scale of this project means much more of the project value can be captured in our region. Concrete, associated componentry, electrical, fabrication, metalwork, environmental, maintenance, administration and support tasks and the like, are much more likely to be sourced regionally if local skills and capabilities are listed, coordinated, and presented against the Project framework.

The length of the construction period, over multiple stages, provides an opportunity to develop jobs and skills locally through on-the-job training schemes, skills coordination, and transfer projects.

But this opportunity needs to be captured. As a region we need to consolidate and coordinate our capabilities and the Advance West North West Association aims to do just that, capture the capabilities, and link them to a world class project.

There is a massive opportunity for regional contractors and services companies ranging across a host of sectors.

The length of the construction period, over multiple stages of opportunity to develop jobs and skills locally through on-the-job training schemes and skills transfer projects.

But this opportunity needs to be captured. As a region we need to consolidate and co-ordinate across our capabilities and sector here, interstate and even globally. The ADVANCE West  North West Alliance seeks to do just that.


The proponents of PRF, Westcoast Renewable Energy, headquartered in Burnie, are the developers of the Granville Harbour Project, Alex Simpson and Royce Smith. They and the extended WRE Team are strongly committed to maximising the long term opportunities of regional Tasmanians.  WRE is a wholly owned Tasmanian company committed to the best interests of the region and state. Through the Granville Harbour project, the team at WRE gained critical, first-hand insights and an understanding of what can be done best by local coordinated expertise.  It is this understanding and desire that has driven the development of the AWNW Association.


Our aim is to Advance the West and North West of our state. To promote and coordinate regional capabilities, skills, and trades to gain the best, long-term, sustainable regional benefits from the emerging and exciting renewable energy industry.

Join us in Advancing the West and North West region.